Chest pain is a common symptom that can have many possible causes such as: heart problems, lung problems, digestive problems, muscle and bone problems, anxiety and panic attacks.
Chest pain can be a sign of a serious condition that needs immediate treatment, such as a heart attack or aortic dissection, which is a tear in the main artery of the body.
Heart attack iscaused when the blood supply to the heart is interrupted or blocked which can cause a sudden death, etc.
An inaccurate reference to cardiac arrest which can lead to sudden cardiac death.
The most heart attack happens when the artery and the blood vessels that circulate blood and oxygen to the heart is narrowed or blocked.
But the good news is, we got a pack of natural supplements to help restore the heart to it natural state and related problems completely from home.
A pack of natural supplements to clear off diseases, plaques and blockages that narrows or block the coronary artery to effectively function and circulate blood to the heart muscles and all the vital parts. The supplements treats blood cholesterol plaques, stress, anxiety disorders and coronary artery disease permanently from the roots- source due to its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties for a healthy heart function.
A pack of natural supplements with food nutrients such as magnesium, l-arginine, citric acid, potassium, amino acid, proteins and vitamins B to help with a healthy heart muscular contraction and clear off severe spasm which can lead to sudden death and restore the heart to its normal state.
A natural pack of supplements formulated with CoQ10 which helps to clear off plaques, pressure and toxins that affects the heart from healthy functioning and also cleanse the arteries and the blood vessels to effectively circulate blood to the heart and the vital parts.
The medicinal supplements contains plant based superfoods to help clear off all diseases that narrows or block the blood vessels and protect the immune system and the heart against free radicals.
The symptoms of Heart Attack are as follows:
⦁Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, back, arm, or shoulder.
⦁Chest pain or discomfort.
⦁Shortness of breath.
⦁ Feeling nauseous.
⦁ Light-headed or unusually tired.
⦁Nausea and vomiting.
Causes of heart attack
⦁Excessive fat in the body relating to the heart (high-fat diet).
⦁High level of cholesterol forming plaques in the heart's arteries.